Paid Election Volunteers Needed

Local authorities are looking for paid volunteers to work at polling stations or counts for the elections which are taking place between 6 May – 10 May. Safe and secure polls are the cornerstone of our democracy and this is a great opportunity to support local elections teams to deliver COVID-secure and effective elections.   … Read more

Update from Somerset Waste Partnership

Update from Somerset Waste Partnership Summary • The majority of Garden Waste Service subscribers will have a change of collection day next month due to a rerouting of rounds to make them more efficient. The changes take effect from 10 May and those affected will be written to. • Recycle More is scheduled to launch … Read more

Editor needed for the Parish Magazine

East Huntspill Parish Council is looking for an Editor to collect articles and the news and events in the village on a quarterly basis.  We are looking for someone who has excellent connections in the Parish and can round up information and content, prepare the newsletter and send to the printer. If you are interested … Read more

Somerset business Start Up sessions

Sedgemoor, along with the other districts and SCC are running a series of business Start Up sessions via Business West open to any Somerset residents looking to set up and run their own new business, each session covering a different useful topic area.  The details are at the website below.   Start-Up Support Package | … Read more

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